New Team Member: A Warm Welcome to Tiffany

Tiffany Sillanpää joins the NCA Tutor team as the newly minted Director of Community Outreach. She’s excited to continue working with NCA Tutor and deepen her involvement with the team after enjoying nearly two years of blogging for the company. We sat down with Tiffany to discuss her journey thus far and plans for the future.

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Inspiration from an immigrant

Yesterday I met with a client, an experienced lawyer from South America, for a private tutoring class. He is a proud new father who had been out of a job for several months because of Covid. He described how grateful he was to now be working multiple jobs so he can afford his rent and support his family despite working in positions that were beneath his stature. At the end of our class, I told him there would be no charge for our session. He lit up and got emotional.

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