Is Your Law School Issuing an e-Transcript? The NCA has Given Us Guidelines

For those of you graduating from law school this year, you may have been told by your school that due to the Pandemic, you will not be receiving a formal, paper copy of your transcript, diploma, or degree certificate. Many UK schools, in particular, have switched to the electronic model as the Pandemic continues, making in-person school administration unsafe. To help students navigate this new world, NCA Tutor has asked the National Committee on Accreditation (NCA) whether they will accept these electronic documents in place of physical copies that usually need to be mailed to their Ottawa offices.

The short answer is yes. Below is a formal answer from the NCA which we received on Feb 12, 2021:

"Schools may send electronic transcripts through secure document share service to Transcripts[at] The NCA is able to accept documents through the services listed below (listed alphabetically):

  • Digitary CORE
  • eScript-Safe
  • ETranscript (Michigan State University)
  • ETX-NG
  • Grad Intel
  • HEAR
  • MyCreds (
  • My eQuals
  • Parchment: Digital Credential Service
  • National Student Clearing House: Electronic Transcript Exchange
  • PremierCert
  • TranscriptsNetwork by Credentials Solutions

So, if your school uses one of the systems above to administer your documents, the NCA will happily accept electronic copies of your files in place of official paper copies mailed from your school. Happy studying! NCA Tutor Team