Say goodbye to the old NCA Website!!!

The National Committee on Accreditation recently launched a new website. Their previous website, which is still up as of the date of this post, is located at but all of the links are directed to their new domain at

While it is encouraging to see the NCA investing money and updating their online resources for NCA candidates, the changes have caused some confusion and made things a little difficult to navigate to. We hope this post will clarify a few things for you.

Previously, the home page for the NCA looked like this:

Most of the resources that students needed could be found under the “NCA Resources” heading. Each resource had its own independent link for things such as NCA forms, FAQs, NCA Schedules, Syllabi and Practice Exams.

The new website now contains a “Resources” menu tab, however some of the crucial resources have been relabelled or moved to an entirely different section of their new website.

Syllabi and Practice Exams
Previously the NCA had separate links for “Syllabi” and “Practice Exams”. The “syllabi” link contained each syllabus for every NCA subject. The “practice exam” link contained all of the sample exams for each course. Now those two links have merged into one link and page called “Exam outlines and sample exams”

The page, however, is not very intuitive. It is not clear where you have to click to download the syllabus. It seems as though the sample exam links are the only links that are intuitive. To access each course syllabus, you have to click on the name of the subject. This paged has made some people confused as to where the syllabi have been moved to and we’ve received quite a few emails on the topic

A welcomed redesign is that the NCA moved the FAQs page to the top menu bar and made it much easier to find.

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The FAQ page is a great resource for new and experienced NCA candidates. We strongly recommend that you spend time going through each of the FAQs on the page. Be careful though, you may miss the fact that there are 6 pages (as of the date of this post) of questions. You have to scroll all the way to the bottom of the FAQ page and click on the number or arrow keys to move to the next page of questions.

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