NCA Changes to the Lawyer Licensing Process

The Law Society of Ontario (LSO) is organizing a webinar to inform about upcoming changes to the lawyer licensing process impacting current applicants and candidates. Scheduled for Wednesday, June 26, 2024, from 9:30 to 11:00 am (EST), the event will conclude with a Q&A session. A recording will be accessible on the LSO website about 10 business days after the webinar. To register for this online event, please visit: LSO Webinar Registration.

NCA Exam results have been released!

Congratulations to everyone that everyone that cleared the following exams:

  • Canadian Criminal Law
  • Professional Responsibility
  • Business Organisations

Make sure you head straight to the NCA portal to find out how you did. Please find the link to the portal here:

Please remember to email us if you worked with one of our lawyers on these exams. We’re anxiously awaiting your results.

To visit our updated course schedule and register for one of our courses visit our website here:

NCA assessment price drop!

Effective March 1, 2024, the fee for an assessment by the NCA (Assessment Fee) will be $400 CDN, plus any applicable taxes. The NCA operates on a cost recovery basis and adjusts its fees as necessary from time to time.

NCA will no longer administer the Taxation exam

Kindly note that the NCA will no longer administer the Taxation exam in the near future. If you need to pass the Taxation exam to fulfill the requirements of your NCA assessment, please ensure that you are registered by July 4th, 2024, for the final scheduled Taxation exam, which will be conducted online on August 20, 2024.

NCA candidates who do not pass the Taxation exam in August 2024 must fulfill this requirement at a Canadian law school through a course approved by the NCA. Additionally, if Taxation was among the optional subjects assigned in your NCA Assessment, it will no longer be available as an option.

Introducing Yaman Midani

Yaman is currently in the final year of the LLB for Graduates program at the University of Kent. She actively mentors at the Kent Law Clinic and holds the role of Vice President for the Canadian Law Society.

Before embarking on her UK law studies, Yaman earned a Bachelor of Science in Psychology from the University of Toronto. Following this, she spent two years working as a court reporter before embarking on her legal education.

In her leisure time, Yaman has a passion for travel, exploring diverse cuisines, and immersing herself in various cultures.

Introducing Brooklyn Parkes

We would like to extend a warm welcome to Brooklyn Parkes our University of Birmingham, campus ambassador.

Brooklyn is currently in her second year of the LLB Law for Graduates program at the University of Birmingham. She is a Pro Bono coordinator for the University’s Free Legal Advice Group, a student mentor and a research assistant with the Fertility Network UK.

Prior to beginning her degree in the UK, Brooklyn completed a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy with a specialization in Medical Ethics. She then worked as a Law Clerk in family law for the last 3 years, where she discovered her love of fertility law. With this interest, Brooklyn is currently completing a dissertation, comparing reproductive rights in the UK to Canada.

Welcome Brooke and we are excited to have you as a part of the team!

Introducing Nicholas Blaikie Puk

We would like to extend a warm welcome to Nicholas Blaikie Puk our City, University of London, campus ambassador.

Nicholas is currently in his second year of the Graduate LLB program at City, University of London. During his time at City Law School, he has participated in the City Scholar’s Moot, pro bono work with the City Community Legal Advice Centre, as sponsorship coordinator for The Public Interest Environmental Law (PIEL) UK Conference 2023, and as Editor-in-Chief for the 6 th Volume of the City Law Review Journal.

Most recently, as President of the Canadian and American Law Society, he has worked to support international students to navigate qualifying for, and entering, both the English and North American legal sectors.

Welcome Nicholas and we are excited to have you as a part of the team!

NCA Exam results have been released!

Congratulations to everyone that everyone that cleared the following exams:

  1. Professional responsibility
  2. Canadian criminal law

Make sure you head straight to the NCA portal to find out how you did. Please find the link to the portal here:

Please remember to email us if you worked with one of our lawyers on these exams. We’re anxiously awaiting your results.

To visit our updated course schedule and register for one of our courses visit our website here:

NCA Exam Registration Period Extended

The NCA has extended the registration period for several November 2023 NCA exams, specifically Criminal Law, Property Law, Canadian Administrative Law, and Torts, until October 5th, 2023. However, the registration deadline for the Professional Responsibility and Family Law exams remains September 28th, 2023.

NCA exam results released!

Congratulations to everyone that everyone that cleared their administrative law and tort law exams.

Make sure you head straight to the NCA portal to find out how you did. Please find the link to the portal here:

Please remember to email us if you worked with one of our lawyers on these exams. We’re anxiously awaiting your results.

To visit our updated course schedulle and register for one of our courses visit our website here:

The Mixer with NCA Tutor

We are super excited to announce that we will be hosting The Mixer! This coming Sunday come out and meet Liran Kandin and our team members. There is absolutely no cost to sign up, simply pay for your own drink/food and enjoy meeting other NCA candidates and lawyers from Toronto. There are limited spaces available as we've booked a table for 15.

Our team consists of Thabang Pebane, Tiff AtLaw, and Alexander Pletsch just to name a few.

It has been a while since we've hosted in-person gatherings and we are happy to finally meet many of you who are now in practice. To all the lawyers on the page, don't miss this opportunity to help the existing candidates expand their networks.

Please use the signup link below. DO NOT sign up if you do not plan on or if you're unsure of attending, you'll be taking a limited seat from someone who wants to be there.

We cannot wait to meet you all. See you soon!

NCA exam results have been released!

Results from the last exam session are now available for the following exams:

  • Canadian criminal law
  • Professional responsibility

Make sure you head straight to the NCA portal to find out how you did. Please find the link to the portal here:

Please remember to email us if you worked with one of our lawyers on these exams. We’re anxiously awaiting your results.

Congratulations to everyone who passed the exam!

NCA exam results have been released!

The results for the constitutional law exam and foundations of the Canadian law exam, which many of you have been eagerly anticipating, are now available. Congratulations to all who took the exam(s) and successfully passed.

If you received tutoring or attended one of our classes, we kindly ask that you notify us of your results by emailing We are interested in hearing about your experience and outcome.

The University of Exeter Law School

Yesterday two of our lawyers and instructors, Liran Kandin and Tiffany Sillanpää, spoke at the University of Exeter Law School. We had such a wonderful time speaking to budding law students. Special thanks to Professor Sue Prince for organizing the evening. We look foward to more collaborative events in the future.

Use HigherEdPoints to pay for your studies!

Students have the opportunity to exchange their Aeroplan, TD, CIBC Aventura, and/or Amex rewards for funds that can be applied to courses and study materials offered by NCA Tutor by using the HigherEdPoints program. The program also allows family, friends, and donors to contribute their rewards to assist students.

To get started, all you need to do is register for a free membership account with HigherEdPoints at and redeem your points for HigherEdPoints education credit. After redeeming your points, you can return to your HigherEdPoints membership account and follow the instructions to transfer the funds to NCA Tutor. Once the transfer is completed, your funds will be made available for use with NCA Tutor.

For more information, please visit HigherEdPoints website here:

NCA Fee Changes

The NCA operates with a cost recovery approach and need to adjust their fees as needed to account for changes in expenses. Therefore, the following fees will be changing:

NCA Exams - The registration fee for each NCA exam, starting with exams in April 2023, will be $550 CAD plus taxes, and this change will take effect on February 13, 2023.

NCA Exam Cancellation - As of March 1, 2023, cancelling an NCA exam will carry a fee of $100.

NCA Exam Appeals - The fee for appealing NCA exam results remains at $250 CAD, inclusive of taxes.

NCA Assessments - The fee for NCA assessments will increase to $500 CAD plus taxes, effective March 1, 2023.

Fixed interest rates with Windmill Microlending

Despite the increase in inflation and many newcomers being negatively impacted by the rising loan rates and cost of living. Helping newcomers succeed professionally in Canada is Windmill Microlending's main goal. Windmill values giving all newcomers the chance and the self-assurance to get jobs that fit their qualifications and experience including your dreams of becoming an accreditted Canadian lawyer.

One of the ways Windmill is making this possible is by offering all new loans at a fixed interest rate of 5.95% for the entire loan duration.

Windmill loans will continue to be available and inexpensive for newcomers because of the unprecedented below-prime rate cap on the loan. An interest rate that is fixed for the duration of the loan guarantees stable payments, which enhances financial management comfort.

NCA Tutor has frozen our course fees for the past couple of years and will continue to maintain these low rates despite the increase in operating costs. We will also continue to offer early bird discount prices to the first 7 registrants for each course giving our students further savings in their mission to successfully become accreditted Canadian lawyers. NCA tutor course and study materials are pre-approved expenses with Windmill Microlending!

For more information on Windmill Microblending loans, please visit their website: https: