
Hirra Gilani

Hirra Gilani is a lawyer licensed in Ontario. Currently, she is pursuing her LL.M in Law and Technology at the University of Ottawa. As an LL.M candidate she is interning with the Canadian Civil Liberties Association with their Privacy, Technology and Surveillance branch.

Hirra obtained her LL.B. from Kingston University, London UK. As a cross-cultural individual, having lived in the Middle East, Europe and North America, Hirra has always had an interest in understanding international relations. As such, prior to completing her LL.B. she completed her M.A. in Political Science from the University of Western Ontario, with a focus on International Relations and Security Issues.

Currently, she is based in Waterloo, where her Bachelor’s alma matter, Wilfrid Laurier University is located. Hirra is passionate about continuous education and giving back to the Kitchener-Waterloo community by actively participating in panels, conferences and guest speaking events.

As a first generation Canadian and internationally trained lawyer, equality, diversity and inclusion is a cause dear to her. For Hirra, EDI is imperative not only in terms of having a bar that represents the richness of Canada, but also in relation to the diversity of various educational paths. She believes having an international legal educational background is integral to the progression and innovation of the Canadian legal industry.

In her spare time, Hirra enjoys running, stand-up comedy and spending time with her family and friends.

Hirra Gilani - Content Creator